SolpartMenu v1.3.0.1 - Notes
- Fixed issue with IE5/5.5 for pages with menus that were set
  to be invisible.
- Absolute positioned menu support added!
- Default way of handling windowed controls now is using an 
  IFRAME.  Therefore you will no longer see your SELECT and
  OBJECT tags disappear when the menu overlaps.
  It should be noted that this idea originated from 
- New CSS class ability ItemSelectedCss - for specifying a 
  different class for the selected item than the default MenuItemSel
- Allowing Seperators to contain HTML - new overloaded methods
  for AddBreak now accepts HTML parameter
- New MenuEffect Property MouseOverScroll.  Defaults to true,
  when set having the mouse over the ... will scroll the menu
  in addition to clicking ...
- Added Target property to allow menu items with urls specified
  to change the source of specified frame.
- New examples - showing absolute positioning and image menus

SolpartMenu v1.2.0.3 - Notes

- Added new method FindMenuItem.  Useful for applying a 
  specific style to selected menu item.
- Now hiding overlapping OBJECT tags (along with SELECT tags)
- Fixed issue with submenus positioning when root menu items 
  scrolled off page
- Fixed issue with Mozilla/NS/Opera where submenu would scroll
  off page
- ItemStyle now applying to TDs in addition to the TR 
- Added ItemCss to go along with ItemStyle so that special 
  class can be applied on item level.
- Fixed minor issue with savecss (for menuitem css).

--- DNN MenuModule Specific ---
- Added new MenuDataProvider to allow the showing of only
  child tabs from current active tab
- Changed ForceFullMenuList to output tree-like structure,
  complete with styles.  Allows for an easy way to do a site
- Added ForceFullMenuList to MenuDesigner in DNN
- Added Tooltip to menuitem for MenuDesigner in DNN
- Added css to menuitem for MenuDesigner in DNN
- Fixed css style applying to preview in MenuDesigner

SolpartMenu v1.2.0.0 - Notes


- Added ToolTip functionality
- When menu detects there is not enough room to display
  it will automatically add a scroll menu item to the top
  and bottom when applicable.  
- New MenuCSS.MenuScroll class to customize display 
- Fixed Mozilla/Netscape border color issues
- Minor fixes to ALT text of images
- Fixed issue with menu designer where left/righthtml
  not safely encoded
- If menu detects dir="rtl" it will cause sub-menus to be 
  displayed on the left instead of right.  IE seems to work
  correctly, Mozilla/Netscape seem to have problems.

SolpartMenu v1.1.1.2 - Notes


- Added functionality to detect Crawlers and have menu
  render in a fashion that the Crawler can detect
- Added property ForceFullMenuList - to force output to 
  render as if Crawler is requesting the page
- Added DataBindMappings collection to allow for any menu
  item attribute to be bound to datasource
- Fixed Netscape 7.1 problem where doesn't report 'this'
  onclick of menu item (now runat server works for this 
- Fixed Opera 7 postbacks (cannot access name property on client)
- Added root level menubreak
- Added script type to SCRIPT tags (javascript)

SolpartMenu v1.1.1.0 - Notes

- Fixed problem with MenuClick event when in a UserControl
- Added MenuItems collection to navigate through nodes
- Added SeparateCSS property to stop sending of CSS styles
- Fixed Shadow issue when no transition style specified
- Fixed problem with sending duplicate styles down after postback
- renamed attributes to be under 15 characters to allow
  getAttribute to work with Konqueror and Safari. 
  (SystemImagesPath --> SysImgPath)
- Allowing Data binding to have non-numeric keys
- Fixed positioning when window is scrolled
- Updated Safari support
- Fixed problem when SmartNavigation is turned on
	- Problem:  postback with SmartNav enabled does 
		    not fire the readystate event
	- Solution: when smartnav is enabled menu will 
		    use setTimeout to continually poll
		    the page until readyState is complete

SolpartMenu v1.1.0.7 - Notes

- Support for new Mac browser Safari
	- Problem:  Safari doesn't report offsetWidths/heights of some elements 
	- Solution:  go to parent to get width/height
	- Problem:  Safari needs to include BODY when getting element positions via offsetTop/Left 
	- Solution:  apparently only the root menu items need to include Body offset
	- Problem:  a bug in Safari where the HTMLcollection object returned for cells is always empty
	- Solution:  none, safari menus cannot display selected border colors until its resolved by safari development team.
			this has been entered into the Safari bug tracking system (#3426081)

- Added new property MenuItems to access collection of SPMenuItemNode
- Added script to handle lack of events firing when SmartNavigation is enabled

SolpartMenu v1.1.0.6 - Notes
I just realized that you may want the source of the menu
that is used in the DNN menu designer.  Thus, am doing this
minor release.

- using SafeClientID property to render menu (fixes IDs starting with _)
- attempting to fix Safari (not there yet)

SolpartMenu v1.1 - Notes

- Introduced wrapper class around Menu Item XMLNode called SPMenuItemNode to ease programming of attributes.
- Downlevel browser appearance has been updated to handle new properties, including placing icons on menu bar (also supported on uplevel browsers)
- Added ability to render UpLevel menu in browser without an XML parser using JS array
- Added Menu designer - see comments in code to help out integrating with DNN
- Added ALT tags to images to improve ADA compliance

Properties of interest
- Menu Object 
-- IconImagesPath – Location of the icon images (in DNN this would be the GUID location) – if not specified defaults to SystemImagePath
-- SystemImagesPath – Location of the images specific to the rendering of the menu (i.e. spacer.gif)
-- MenuBarLeftHTML - allows custom HTML to be placed to the left of the menu bar
-- MenuBarRightHTML - allows custom HTML to be placed to the right of the menu bar
-- MenuCSSPlaceHolderControl - allows a placeholder tag to be specified so menu's css properties can be set within the <HEAD> tag.

-MenuItem Object
-- ImagePath – If icon is not coming from the IconImagesPath then specify a path here.  This is for admin icons.
-- LeftHTML – Allows for a custom HTML to be displayed to the left of the menuitem’s Title. 
-- RightHTML – Allows for a custom HTML to be displayed to the right of the menuitem’s Title.  This is for the selected menu item image.

The following browsers will render the UpLevel menu
IE 5.0 				- uses JSXMLArray 
IE5.5 				- uses XML DataIslands (for superior caching)
IE6 				- uses XML DataIslands (for superior caching)
Mozilla (Mac/Win/Linux) 	- uses XML Parser
Netscape 6 (Mac/Win/Linux)	- uses XML Parser 
Netscape 7 (Mac/Win/Linux)	- uses XML Parser
Opera 7    (Win/Linux)		- uses JSXMLArray - DNN HTML Layout issues causes transparent menus
Konqueror(Linux)		- minor positioning issues
Safari (Mac) 			- trying...

The following browsers will render the DownLevel menu
IE5 (Mac) 			- Absolute positioning issues
NS 4				- 
Opera 6 			- 
Any other browser		-

IMPORTANT! MenuCSSPlaceHolderControl
I have added a property called MenuCSSPlaceHolderControl which is set to SPMenuStyle.  This allows the menu's 
CSS style to be inserted at the desired location within the <HEAD> tag.  It is highly
recommended that you place the following tag within the <HEAD> section. 
<style id="SPMenuStyle" runat="server"></style>
Failure to do so will result in the menu placing its style at the very beginning of the output stream,
which I believe is not valid in some browsers.

- Fixed registering of systemscript so only sends down once
- Fixed 1 pixel jump to right on entry of submenu, was due to the menu not having a border set.  Now am checking this before applying left border on icon.
- Fixed issue with border on root arrow
- Fixed style issue for netscape 4

IE For the Mac
Well what can I say?  After many attempts at getting this to work in an uplevel fashion I have
made some headway but not enough.  I have determined that this is not going to hold up my release
any longer, so for now the menu will render downlevel.  On a positive note I have determined
what was causing the css not to render properly (extra spaces in the class property).  Unfortunately,
I have not been able to resolve the positioning yet (you should only need to modify the spm_elementTop 
and spm_elementLeft functions in the .js file).  I want to say thank you to everyone who has
helped out with this issue, especially Davor and Erin.