Laser Specialists
is equipped with both 3-, and 5-axis laser cutting machines,
producing parts faster, better, and at a greater cost savings
than ever before. LSI’s customers include
the automotive, appliance, aircraft, construction, aerospace,
artistic design, electronics, farm equipment, government, military,
plastics, and tool and die industries. Having satisfied their
needs we are confident that we can satisfy yours. Let our experienced
and skilled team of individuals work with you to find a better,
higher quality, lower cost solution to your pre-production and
production needs.
Laser Specialists provides
services to customers in both the prototype and production
phase. Although our average order ranges from 50 to 1,000
parts, we're also capable of mass manufacturing an order without
setting limitations on part quantities.
LSI’s laser systems cut a wide variety
of materials including mild, high strength, stainless and
galvanized steel, as well as titanium, inconel, ceramic, plastic,
acrylic, wood, mylar, rubber, foam, fabric, and other nonferrous
material composites. All materials are cut with an incredible
degree of precision and accuracy.
By consistently meeting and exceeding
our customer’s expectations in terms of value, quality,
turnaround and service, LSI maximizes customer
profits and overall success.